Fundamentals of Storytelling

Storytelling refers to the art of using words, images, sounds, and other elements to create a narrative that engages an audience’s imagination, emotions, and intellect. This session discusses storytelling and approaches to employ for collecting water stories. 1. The Power of Storytelling Storytelling is a powerful form of communication that Read more…

Conducting Interviews

This section explores interviews as a research tool for gathering community stories about water. In this 1. Understanding User Interviews An interview is a formal conversation between two or more people, where one person, the interviewer, asks questions to obtain information from another person, the interviewee.  User interviews are a Read more…

Cultural Mindfulness & Ethics

This session explores mindfulness and how to approach conducting research interviews in communities with empathy. Why Cultural Mindfulness? Cultural Mindfulness & Research Ethics It is the researcher’s primary responsibility to ensure that participants, special interest groups, and vulnerable communities involved in their research are protected. Accordingly, conducting research that may Read more…

Crafting Your Questions

This section delves into the skill of asking questions without introducing personal bias. The suggested questions in the session aim to prompt storytelling from the audience and assist interviewees in formulating their questions. Understanding Confirmation Bias & Skewed Question Confirmation bias simply refers to our tendency to ask questions that Read more…

Media & Consent

1. Getting Permission All participants must be 18 years of age or older.  Researchers will review the consent form with participants before they read and sign the form. If a participant is under the age of 18, parents will need to sign a parental assent form so they are aware Read more…